The Ultimate Bipe from is a beautifully constructed high quality plane. As an RTF kit is goes together very quickly and everything to put the plane together is supplied with the kit. All you need to do is pick your favorite brushless out runner motor, esc, and 4 9 gram servo's. The Ultimate comes in Purple, Yellow, Red, or Blue. It's your choice they are are great! If you go to the you'll see a video of it in action. So if your looking for a great smaller sized bipe this is a great choice and it helps keep cost down when it will fly on a 3S 1300 to 2100 mAH. Take a look you won't be disapointed.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Remote Control Helicopter R/C 3-channels double propeller full proportional helicopter
It's considerably bigger and heavier than the Air Hogs types, you definitely want a fair sized room to fly it in. It's very stable, will hover with no inputs from you. It has a third channel, a very clever system, in that a magnet pops up and makes the rotor tilt forward and makes the helo fly forward. Duration is about five minutes. It has enough power to fly, but not excess power, just enough to hover and fly around a bit, full bore all the time. I don't know, maybe mine is a dud and others have more power...
Anyway, I've had some fun with it, particularly at the cheap price. It's a cool toy.
Anyway, I've had some fun with it, particularly at the cheap price. It's a cool toy.
Red Micro Palm Size Indoor R/C Helicopter
This is called the Syma Fly Fairy. It flies very well. It is set up differently from some of the other microcopters, in that when trimmed out, it wants to circle and move forward, rather than hover in one position, like most of them. ONce you understand that, it's very easy to fly. It's more scale and more attractive than the foam bodied ones, but more fragile, too. It does not like flying outdoors much, and it's a little fragile for that, but it's very nice in the living room. It's also nicer in that you can actually land it on the skids, no problem.
Lots of fun, but maybe a good second one, if you already have the air hogs havoc style one, this flies differently and keeps things interesting.
Lots of fun, but maybe a good second one, if you already have the air hogs havoc style one, this flies differently and keeps things interesting.
China Model Productions CMP 50 sized P-40 Warhawk

Just to clear up some confusion, and a lot of misinformation on the internet...CMP is not Willhobby, or FlyModel, or any other company. CMP is thier own company, and they have been around for while. I have built a few of their planes, and found the quality to be quite exceptional, they are high-end stuff, and from a scale point of view, nobody else comes close.
The P-40, from a scale aspect, blows away the Hangar 9 and everybody else's P-40. The paint job is dead flat and perfect, and there are a ton of factory-installed water transfer decals, a beautiful glass belly tank, strut covers, prepainted canopy frame, lots of nice stuff. All the hardware is exceptional, too, with a fiberglass pushrod for the elevator, and a pull-pull system for the rudder.
You need to be careful flying it, though. It has no washout, it's not light, and it will tip stall if you pull too hard or get too slow. The big problem, though, is that the CG in the manual is actually for the much larger 71" one, and will leave you very tailheavy if you don't correct it to about 85mm from the LE. It's really, really important.
If you fly off grass, you will have really hard time finding rotating retracts that will hold up. Seriously consider fixed gear like I used.
I flew mine with a Saito 62, fit perfectly and was plenty of power.
Let's here some other comments, this is a beautiful plane..
china model productions,
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Nitroplanes FlyModel B-17 Flying Fortress
One of the most interesting models I have ever assembled. A four engined bomber without a lot of hassle and expense...
First, the good goes togther pretty quickly, and it flies BEAUTIFULLY. It also looks GREAT in the air.
Second, the bad parts...there are some minor quality control issues, and it's not perfectly scale.
It's mostly nicely-done wood, with a few plastic and fiberglass parts. The decals were simply awful, and I threw them away. The QC issues were not enough paint on the upper canopy deck, and complete and total mispainting of the ball turret. Also, the nose is painted solid, it would really look better with some windows. The retracts are not in the scale position, but that's something of a plus, as they are very simple and strong to set up. I used Nitroplanes retracts, and had no problems.
The rest of the equipment...Raiden 1300kv speed 400 motors, Nitroplanes 8x4 props, Raiden 25a escs, towerpro 4010 servos, one JR retract servo, Spektrum AR7000 receiver, 2 2220 3s packs, one driving the inner motors, the other for the outer.
The motor and esc package is the one offered by nitroplanes for $160, it's cheap, and works like a charm.
The plane flies just beautifully...I will post more detail if anybody is interested...
If you ever wanted to do a B-17, here is your chance. Anything else is hideously complicated, or not very scale, or incredibly expensive. This was my first four engined model, and everything went very well, and people are VERY impressed with it in the air. And you can't beat the price. Go for it, it's not too challenging, it's easy enough to get together, and very easy to fly, and the performance is just great.
Flying Fortress,
hobby city,
hobby lobby,
tower hobbies
Nitroplanes Guanli PBY Catalina Seaplane

It's a wonderful plane. It took about an hour for me to get it together. There is nothing particularly noteworthy about putting it together, except things will go much faster with five minute epoxy instead of the provided contact cement. Every single item is included, even a screwdriver and glue. The only thing you need to provide is 8 AA batteries for the transmitter. does it fly? Just great. With the provided brushed geared motors and NIMH battery, it has adequate power to fly around nicely, and will loop from a shallow dive. It is extremely stable, and extremely easy to fly. It could be a first or second plane. Hand launching is very easy. It will also get off water or snow. If you plan on flying off water, you will probably want to add a water rudder to help steer it around after landing. If you are flying off anything but soft grass or water, you will probably want to add some clear packing tape to the bottom of the fuselage and wing floats to prevent them from getting scratched up. Do not attempt to fly it without the provided wing struts, they are needed, and stay away from any wild aerobatics that might give the wing negative G forces, it's not really stressed for that. The plane is plenty strong for normal flying, but it's not an aerobat, nor was the real PBY Catalina. It looks best doing a low pass or touch and goes off the water. It's extremely light, and will fly very very slowly, it's hard for beginning pilots to get into trouble with it, and the flight charachteristics are certainly suitable for park flying.
Flight times are around 8 minutes with the provided pack, and the wall charger takes about an hour to refill the pack. The 27 MHZ radio works fine, it occasionally glitches here and there, but recovers right away. Keep in mind that range is not unlimited, keep the plane withing 500 feet of you or so, and that you are subject to interference from many other toys and other devices out there. It would be very easy to install a different receiver, but, again, the provided one is perfectly adequate. Do make sure your receiver antenna is stretched out all the way to the tail, that you have fresh batteries in the transmitter, and that you range check your system before you fly it.
As far as upgrades go, if you change the installed connector, you can put in an inexpensive 12c 3 cell 2200mah lipo battery. It will fit flat on the tray right above where the NIMH pack went, and will stay where it is by just a friction fit between the tray and the fuselage and the pushrods. The extra power of the 11v lipo makes for a dramatic transformation...power is now much more than is needed, she will climb out at a 45 degree angle, and flight times are 12-15 minutes. Full throttle is rarely needed. Motor life may suffer in the long run, but mine has been fine so far, and it's a lot more fun to fly with the lipo pack. I feel no need at all to upgrade the motors to brushless, the provided geared systems are more than adequate to fly the plane very well.
It's a heck of a deal for $99, you really can't go too far wrong. I'm very pleased.
art tech,
cousteau calypso,
flying boat,
guan li,
hobby city,
hobby lobby,
nitro models,
Nitroplanes Guanli A-10 Warthog

Construction quality and paintwork from the factory is excellent, no problems at all. It took me about 20 minutes to put it together using five minute epoxy. I left the landing gear off, I prefer to hand launch. Be sure ot put some tape on the bottom for protection.
The plane flies fine on the stock NIMH pack and brushed motors, in spite of all the internet "Experts" saying it would not. It will loop and roll, no problem, but it's modestly powered with the stock setup, and flight times are maybe five minutes, tops.
Swapping out the 650NIMH pack for a three cell 1300 lipo made a whole new airplane out of it. Now it is fast and vividly aerobatic, and flight times are long. I set a timer at eight minutes to make sure I do not overdrain the lipo and ruin it. No reason why you could not put in a 2200 pack, either.
Beware of one thing, though...the way it is set up from the factory, there is way too much elevator throw, and you may kill it on the first flight attempt. Move the control horn to the innermost hole on the elevator servo horn, and the outermost one on the horn on the elevator, and everything will be fine.
I am still using the included 27mhz radio. It will occasionally glitch if I point the TX antenna right at the airplane, otherwise, it has been working fine.
I have put a dozen flights in using the 11v lipo and the stock brushed motors, and the motors and ESC are still going strong, so consider that before buying a brushless converson for it. Power is a non-issue with the stock motors and a lipo batt.
The plane is stable and easy to fly, yet very aerobatic. I like flying it in low and close, like the real thing.
All I can say is the plane is better than expected in all respects, much better than the similar GWS offering, and it is well built and a super value for the money. Great plane to keep in the back of the car and toss around whenever you see an open space.
electric ducted fan,
guan li,
hobby lobby,
nitro models
Thursday, March 06, 2008
NitroPlanes Guanli FW-190 RTF Kit (Green Paint Scheme)
I got this yesterday from a friend and when I opened the box I was really surprised at what I saw. I have experience with GWS kits and I was expexting something on that order. But WOW this was way better than any GWS kit. I couldn't believe all of this and they sell em' for only 85 bucks. This is a greta deal. The quality is good and talk about quick set-up time. Like the box says it's almost RTF. You can't do this with any over priced GWS kit. Look if you want to get a few warbirds or heck even the whole squadron try these Guanli Warbird RTF kits out from NitroPlanes. You'll have a plane or two that are easy to set-up, look great and they won't break the bank. Not only that but if you ever want to upgrade to A Brushless system it's a breeze to do. Oh yeah, you can read the instructions. Yup they are in english and very easy to follow. That's another one up on the GWS kits.
If you have any questions on these planes e-mail me at
Thanks Nitroplanes for making the hobby a bit more affordable for us all.
If you have any questions on these planes e-mail me at
Thanks Nitroplanes for making the hobby a bit more affordable for us all.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Nitroplanes Sea Fury
It's a big model, very brawny.
I am using a Monster Power 110 motor, which is probably overkill, but it will go straight up. Unlimited vertical.
Power is two 4000mah 4s packs.
Speed control is a Castle Creations 85hv.
Using a seperate 1600 5 cell pack for the radio.
I have Raidentech digital servos on all surfaces, they seem just great so far, not cheap junk, but very nice servos.
It comes with flaps, but fixed gear. It is not retract ready, but installing retract bays should be no big deal, it's a plain wood wing.
Woodwork and covering is superb. Glasswork is good, and very light. The wing and stab tips are fiberglass, too.
I made mine a two-piece wing, it holds up in flight, no problem.
I fitted one of the Nitroplanes WWII pilots, it looks GREAT, and they are very cheap. I had to cut his base down a little to fit.
The only complaint I have had so far is I think the elevator pushrod is a little too flexy for my tastes, so I replaced it with 4/40 rods and a fiberglass tube.
So far, very pleased...
I have about a dozen flights on it, the more I fly it, the more I love it. Incredibly aerobatic, fast, and very very very easy to land. Wonderful plane.
hobby lobby,
nitro models,
rc airplane,
sea fury,
will hobby,
Monday, March 03, 2008
Nitroplanes Guanli P-47 Thunderbolt
Firstup, in spite of all the internet "experts", the plane does indeed fly fine on the stock brushed system with NIMH batteries. Power is adequate, flight times are six minutes or so.
You don't need brushless power...if you really want to honk around, just change to a 3 cell 1300 lipo pack, then power is more than you need, and duration is 10 minutes plus.
It will do any maneuver in the book, it's very stable, and it's a lot of fun to fly. It's cute as a button, too.
Quality is excellent all around. If one of your servos does not work, try tightening the case screws, they are often loose from the factory. I have been using the included 27mhz radio with no problems.
I used five minute epoxy instead of the provided contact cement, I like it better.
I did not use the landing gear, I hand launch mine. I used the remains of the decal sheet to cover the bottom of the fuse for landing protection.
This is about as much fun as you can have for $80, it's an amazing deal. I keep it in the back of the car and toss it around at any little park or field I can find.
It's not a copy of the E-flight P-47 or anybody else's plane, it's an original.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Towerpro SG5010 standard servos
I had some bad luck with the 995 Towerpro digital servos a few years ago, they were really bad, so I was kind of gunshy about trying these ones.
Well, I've used about 20 so far, with no issues. All have been fine right out of the box, they are just a decent, powerful, accurate standard servo, with a nice quiet geartrain, suitable for most uses, with a nice complete package of horns and mounting hardware. I have put quite a lot of flying on them with no issues at all, I'm very happy. I build a lot of planes, and I am always looking for ways of fitting them out without spending so much, and these really help. They work the same as my Futaba or JR standard servos, no issues.
Well, I've used about 20 so far, with no issues. All have been fine right out of the box, they are just a decent, powerful, accurate standard servo, with a nice quiet geartrain, suitable for most uses, with a nice complete package of horns and mounting hardware. I have put quite a lot of flying on them with no issues at all, I'm very happy. I build a lot of planes, and I am always looking for ways of fitting them out without spending so much, and these really help. They work the same as my Futaba or JR standard servos, no issues.
Raidentech Formula 1 Ride On Car
When I was a kid, we would go to FAO Schwartz and see toys like this, they cost thousands and were for young princes and such, totally out of my league. But, hey, I always wanted one.
Well...I'm always getting all these big boxes from UPS, and my six year old daughter keeps getting mad that none of the boxes are for HER(they are all RC models for me), so I was poking around one day on the Raidentech site, checking out all the toy stuff I never knew they had, when I spotted this thing...hey, it was only $189, I took a chance, and six days later, UPS delivered this box, this HUGE box, much bigger than my airplane boxes, and my daughter was very thrilled that finally, here was a box for HER, and it was as big as a hot dog stand. She would have been happy with just the cardboard box for a playhouse, but inside the box was this great car...
It took about 45 minutes to assemble it, you need to put on the mirrors and the rear spoiler and steering wheel, not much else. Simple stuff.
So, how does she go? About 5mph, much faster than the old Barbie Jeep she has, fast enough to be interesting, not fast enough to be dangerous. It has three speeds built in, so you can limit the speed for smaller children.
I'm sure I will be able to modify it for a lot more speed at some future day(I'm handy that way!) but for now, she's really happy.
It has lights, a horn, turn signals, built in digital music player, plus a working FM radio.
The battery lasts for about two hours of play.
The quality is excellent, the thing is tough.
They also make a two seater jeep, but it's only in camo, not really her speed. I hope Raidentech imports something like an MG roadster, so I can get her something else, too.
I just need to persuade some other parent to get one of these so we can have races through Central Park.
We drive this thing down the street, it gets an unbeleivable amount of attention. All the kids want one, and all the adults all say they wanted one when they were a kid. And everybody thinks it costs a grand or so. I don't really tell them otherwise, I let my kid be the center of attention for a bit, she's proud of her car.
I have to say, it has been the most incredibly impressive and fun thing for the money that I have ever gotten for my kid, it's very afforadable, and very big and cool, it's a big, serious toy, any kid's fantasy. She's pleased as punch.
I'm going to try to get some good video when the weather gets better.
Well...I'm always getting all these big boxes from UPS, and my six year old daughter keeps getting mad that none of the boxes are for HER(they are all RC models for me), so I was poking around one day on the Raidentech site, checking out all the toy stuff I never knew they had, when I spotted this thing...hey, it was only $189, I took a chance, and six days later, UPS delivered this box, this HUGE box, much bigger than my airplane boxes, and my daughter was very thrilled that finally, here was a box for HER, and it was as big as a hot dog stand. She would have been happy with just the cardboard box for a playhouse, but inside the box was this great car...
It took about 45 minutes to assemble it, you need to put on the mirrors and the rear spoiler and steering wheel, not much else. Simple stuff.
So, how does she go? About 5mph, much faster than the old Barbie Jeep she has, fast enough to be interesting, not fast enough to be dangerous. It has three speeds built in, so you can limit the speed for smaller children.
I'm sure I will be able to modify it for a lot more speed at some future day(I'm handy that way!) but for now, she's really happy.
It has lights, a horn, turn signals, built in digital music player, plus a working FM radio.
The battery lasts for about two hours of play.
The quality is excellent, the thing is tough.
They also make a two seater jeep, but it's only in camo, not really her speed. I hope Raidentech imports something like an MG roadster, so I can get her something else, too.
I just need to persuade some other parent to get one of these so we can have races through Central Park.
We drive this thing down the street, it gets an unbeleivable amount of attention. All the kids want one, and all the adults all say they wanted one when they were a kid. And everybody thinks it costs a grand or so. I don't really tell them otherwise, I let my kid be the center of attention for a bit, she's proud of her car.
I have to say, it has been the most incredibly impressive and fun thing for the money that I have ever gotten for my kid, it's very afforadable, and very big and cool, it's a big, serious toy, any kid's fantasy. She's pleased as punch.
I'm going to try to get some good video when the weather gets better.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Nitroplanes P-82 Twin Mustang

All wood, except for the fiberglass cowls and chin scoops. Very light, very accurate construction.
I made the outer wing panels removeable. The two fuses with the center section are very easy to transport.
It includes mechanical retracts. They are plastic, they work, but off grass, they won't last forever.
I converted it to electric with two Monster Power 46 motors, two TowerPro 70a escs, a seperate BEC, and two 4000 5s Exceed lipos. Performance is superb, very easy to fly, very very easy to land, very aerobatic. Has flaps. I added two Nitroplanes pilots, too, they look good.
Fast to build, very inexpensive to buy and fit out, flies superbly. Great first twin.
It's a real bargain of a model, sells for an insanely low price for what it is. It's big and impressive, and flies beautifully.
Later on, I repainted it black to make a nightfighter, see the bottom picture.
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