Nice model, and a big one.
I am using a Monster Power 160 motor, two Exceed 4000mah 5s lipo packs, and a Castle Creations 85hv ESC.
Have not gotten her in the air yet, I will update when I do.
It would also be a fine model for a 12 pound turbine engine.
Even though I put the lipo packs slightly aft of the CG, but I still needed about 8 ounces of weight in the tail to balance, due to the large motor and the long, long nose.
Good quality kit. Mine is fixed gear, but the plane is retract ready.
2 comments: flies very a big pattern ship. Easy to land, too, the flaps work great. The Monster Power 160 is really overkill for this plane, the 110 would do it, for sure. I think the engines called for in the manual are a little much...a 180, if it was a four stroke, but not a 180 two stroke! I think a 90 two stroke would be fine...
I have this F-86 . can I use a OS 120 4stroke to power it. plus also have a OS 90 2 cycle. will either work David
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